Where Christ is exalted, Jesus is exmplified, and Believers are edified.

Worship Support Ministries
Our purpose is to provide support to the worship services and events throughout the year, all working together to enhance the overall experience of our members and visitors.
Media Ministry
Is responsible for recording each of the worship services and producing audio visual materials to further promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Singles & Couples Ministry
Fellowship that offers seminars, panel discussions and outings designed to encourage each group in their Christian development and spiritual walk
A ministry that is responsible for recording each of the worship services and producing audio visual materials to further promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Health & Healing
A ministry cell group that consists of professionals in the medical industry that provides information to encourage healthy lifestyles within the congregation. The Health and Healing ministry also provides support during worship services.
Valet Parking
A ministry designed to assist the elderly and handicapped gain easy access into the facility for worship services.
Church Security
A volunteer ministry that provides assistance for on and off site services and special events to assure that all persons attending the worship can do so without distraction or concern for personal safety.
Door Keepers & Greeters
Ministry Auxiliaries that offer staff support during all worship services. If you have an outgoing personality and enjoy personal contact with people, one of these groups may be the one for you.